Firefox- In Firefox go in the address bar to:
and accept the terms of use. In the Search box type one of the following: - rc4: Disable weak MD5 security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_md5 value 'disable'
- ssl: Disable weak SSL Ciper security.ssl3.rsa_fips_des_ede3_sha value 'false'
- sslv3: Disable security.tls.version.min value '1'
- tls: Enable TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 security.tls.version.max value '3'
- SSD: Sessionstorebrowser.sessionstore.interval value '30000'
- ocsp: Enable OCSP security.ssl.enable_ocsp_stapling value 'true'
- proxy: Enable proxy network.proxy.socks_remote_port value '8080'
- proxy: proxy verionnetwork.proxy.socks_version value '5'
- proxy: Enable dns through proxy network.proxy.socks_remote_dns value 'true'
Test the settings above:
- Test your clients browser: howsmyssl
- Test your clients browser: viewMyClient
Boot is using:
- uname -r
- dpkg --list | grep linux-image
- sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.0-32-generic-pae
- sudo update-grub2
- apt-get -f autoremove
Dump maken:
- Create a dump of Ethernet traffic in linux.
- sudo tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 -w verkeer.pcap
- sha1sum verkeer.pcap
- e292549a69a89e0dbab1dd399a97ec35c9ffa6f4 verkeer.pcap
- Change the Windows Cursor. You can download nice one here: Cursor
- Extract the and copy/paste the cursors folder in c:\windows\cursors\
- Go to Control Panel, Mouse and then pointers:
- Now click on Browse... and add the pointers from c:\windows\cursors\cursors\
- When youre done click Safe As.
Extract files:
- Windows Installer Package (.msi)
- To extract files from a .msi file at the command line, type:
- msiexec /a PathToMSIFile /qb TARGETDIR=DirectoryToExtractTo
- or example, to extract files from f:\zenworks\zfdagent.msi into c:\zfd701 you would type:
- msiexec /a f:\zenworks\zfdagent.msi /qb TARGETDIR=c:\zfd701
- Microsoft Hotfix Installer (.exe)
- setup.exe /t:C:\extracted_files\ /c
- Microsoft Update Standalone Package (.msu)
- expand -F:* update.msu C:\extracted_files
- cd extracted_files (.cab)
- expand -F:* C:\extracted_files
- Microsoft Patch File (.msp)
- msix patch.msp /out C:\extracted_files
Windows 7 Logon screen:
- Change the Windows 7 Logon screen with other backgrounds. You can download nice ones here: Backgrounds
- Extract the and copy/paste the info folder in c:\windows\system32\obee\
- Add the following register setting:
- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
- "OEMBackground"=dword:00000001
- beware of the name of the 'default.jpg' in the c:\windows\system32\obee\info\backgrounds\ that must be: backgroundDefault.jpg
- Add Notepad++ to Context menu:
- You can download the zip/7zp file of notepad++ here: Notepad++
- You can download the "dll" files here: NppShell
- Creat a dir were you want your notepad++ file i use c:\LocalApps\Apps\Notepad++
- Extract the and copy/paste the notepad++ files in the notepad++ dir
- Extract the and copy/paste the NppShell.dll files in the notepad++ dir
- Open a command prompt
- Now go to the notepad++ dir c:\LocalApps\Apps\Notepad++\
- and type the following code to register: regsvr32 /s /i NppShell.dll
- and type the following code to register on x64: regsvr32 /s /i NppShell64.dll
- If you want unregister: regsvr32 /u NppShell.dll
- If you want unregister: regsvr32 /u NppShell64.dll
- Now you have a context menu item for notepad++
Set your browser (firefox):
- proxy: Enable proxy network.proxy.socks_remote_port value '8080'
- proxy: proxy verionnetwork.proxy.socks_version value '5'
- proxy: Enable dns through proxy network.proxy.socks_remote_dns value 'true'
- Test the settings above:
- ssh and direct connect (SOCKS5) :
- The following line will start the ssh client and connect to
- Port 8080 on localhost ( will listen for requests and send them to the remote machine.
- The remote machine will then send the packets out as if they originated from itself.
- The ssh options are in the man page of ssh, but to summarize them in order:
- Compression, SSH2 only, Quite, Force pseudo-tty allocation, Redirect stdin from /dev/null,
- and Place the ssh client into "master" mode for connection sharing.
- ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080
Show desktop:
- Extra/Mapopties/ tabblad Weergave. Zet een vinkje bij 'verborgen bestanden en mappen weergeven'.
- Open kladblok, kopieer en plak de volgende tekst:
- [Shell]
- Command=2
- IconFile=explorer.exe,3
- [Taskbar]
- Command=ToggleDesktop
- Kies in kladblok voor Bestand/Opslaan als. Navigeer met het pijltje bij 'Opslaan in:' naar:
- C:\Documents and Settings\je gebruikersnaam\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch.
- Typ bij bestandsnaam: Bureaublad weergeven.scf. Kies bij 'Opslaan als type:' voor 'alle bestanden'. Klik op 'Opslaan'. Als het goed is staat er nu een nieuw icoontje 'Bureaublad weergeven' in je taakbalk.
Set static IP:
- If your Linux system has set to use DHCP, you will want to change it to a static IP address here is simple tip
- sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
- If you are using DHCP for your primary network card which is usually eth0, you will see the following lines
- auto eth0
- iface eth0 inet dhcp
- you can see, it's using DHCP right now. We are going to change dhcp to static, and then there are a number of options that should add and here is the example and you can change these settings according to your network settings.
- auto eth0
- iface eth0 inet static
- address
- netmask
- network
- broadcast
- gateway
- Restart the neworking service using the following command
- sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
- DNS:
- sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
- # Generated by NetworkManager
- nameserver
- nameserver
- cd /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/
- cat use_tempaddr
- echo 0 > use_tempaddr
- cd /etc/
- vi sysctl.conf
- voeg de volgende regel toe
- net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr=0
- ip a